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Candy Crushers, Instagramers… beware!

After millions and millions of years of evolution and natural selection, our bodies were becoming really well adapted to the challenges and tasks of the physical world we live in but, then, came technology and the office-based work, looking at a screen for hours… every day. More recently, even the computer seems to start to […]

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For many years, we’ve heard that after an acute injury we should follow the RICE protocol, as in Rest, Ice, Compression; Elevation1. Later, in 2011, Bleakley and colleagues2 suggested adding Protection, making it PRICE. It is not hard to realise that a process as complex as tissue healing may have in a PRICE protocol a […]

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I was told I have a hip bursitis. Do I need a hip replacement?

Overview One of the most common dysfunctions of the hip joint is described by hip pain on the outside hip bone, especially sore during the night if lying on it or after long periods of standing/walking, where, despite the fact that there may be some underlying arthritis, this is usually not it’s cause. As said […]

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I have a shooting pain down my leg. Is it sciatica?

Overview We’ve all heard people saying they have or have had sciatica which they describe as a bad shooting pain down the leg due to sciatic “nerve entrapment”. Even though it has been scientifically and clinically agreed to call “Sciatica” to all leg shooting pains, not all pains that shoot down the legs are related […]

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